2024 Mid-Year's Resolutions
So this year, I didn't really make any New Year's Resolutions for 2024. I've sort of been cruising without much direction for the beginning of this year, and I figure I'd share where I'm going and post about it publicly. I mean... that's how this works, right?
Without further ado, here they are:
Focus on strengthening your friendships and your relationship.
For several years, I have mainly focused on my career. While I still plan on doing a great job at work, I want to make my friends and romantic partner my main priorities. This will likely involve undoing some workaholic tendancies that I have.
Go on a road trip to Colorado.
Some friends and I want to road trip in Colorado to visit national parks and enjoy everything the state has to offer. Posting this publicly should force me to actually plan it and do it.
Become a great mentor.
I am starting to mentor high school kids in NYC through a program called iMentor. I will put in as much effort as possible into being the best mentor I can for the kid I will be assigned in fall.
Go to Muay Thai an average of once a week for the remainder of the year.
Given how busy I am in my personal life, I can't go too crazy in this department, but going to Muay Thai once a week seems fairly reasonable.
Get abs while maintaining muscle mass.
I'm not going to go crazy here, but basically I will keep lifting and eat a healthy diet. From there, I will diet to the point where I am cut enough to see my abs. I'm not trying to go crazy here, but I at least want to be reasonably toned.
Read Designing Data-Intensive Applications.
Kaizen Labs is planning to scale to over a million residents this year. We need to make sure that we can keep up with demand from all of our residents. This book should give me a good background for building out software architectures to support these residents.
Give a Lecture at the Recurse Center
You did this program during the pandemic. You keep talking about doing this and meeting cool people in really life. You should do it. You will boost your public speaking skills and you'll be able to give back to this awesome community of coders!
Get three journal entries of substance onto the internet
You talk a lot about volunteering to interview old bosses and interesting people about big problems in this country. Yet, you haven't budged on actually doing much about it. You should actually go for it by the end of the year, or at least get some start. Baby steps are still in a direction, after all.