Why I'm starting this blog

Why I'm starting this blog

Greetings, fellows of the internet! I'm Apollo Jain. You can read more about me in the "About" details at the top of this page. I will spare you the details.

I currently work as a software engineer. While I do enjoy my job - I helped some grandmas from Weymouth, MA book some swim classes the other day, for example - at the end of the day, it isn't really allowing me to explore topics of work that I am interested in. No "paid" work can, and that's fine!

Right now, we're at an interesting crossroads, both domestically and globally. The US - a country I hold near and dear, and frankly the only hold I know - is on a slow decline. The globe, despite being safer than ever before, also has its challenges. I find that I have many friends who take a dualistic view on how to fix these problems. It's policy vs. engineering. Capitalism vs. Socialism. Republican vs. Democrat. These outcomes come from a Western perspective on the pursuit of knowledge. The very basal mechanism of debate, as it is practiced in the modern West, reinforces this narrative - there is but one winner and one loser.

The truth of the matter is if we view things from outside of our "camps," we can go issue by issue and deconstruct it from a systematic perspective, therefore taking a less dualistic perspective that aligns with the "camp" you declare youself to be a part of (within the US, due to our non-Parliamentary democracy, people tend to blindly adhere to viewpoints espoused by their respective registered political party).

This blog will be a potpourri of different things. The core of this mix will be a non-partisan deconstruction of various policy issues - both why they exist and, ideally, also how to solve them. These discussions will span various concepts - looking into why we can't build new renewable energy resources (and houses, frankly), deep-diving into zoning issues, exploring alternative corporate structures, and more.

I am excited for you to join me on this journey!